"The only goal worth
pursuing for a human
being is happiness,
and you have to work
at it to get it!"
"The road to
happiness is marked
by the twin guide posts
of Creativity and Love."


  • I am an experienced problem-solving therapist and
    consultant.  I specialize in working with clients who are
    temporarily overwhelmed by some sort of personal or
    work-related life crisis.  Their symptoms can range
    from simple anxiety or depression to immobilizing
    confusion.  I draw on my formal training, years of
    clinical experiences, and my own personal failures and
    successes to understand and help heal my clients.   

  • First we define the limits of the crisis: its dangers; what
    an acceptable solution would look like; and the kind of
    resources you have or need.  Then we develop a set
    of specific, doable, bite-sized behaviors to contain the
    threat, put them into action, and make sure they work.

  • I do my best to be both caring and practical, so I am
    continually balancing my clients' need for support with
    their equally important need to come to grips with the
    realities of their life situations and their realistic
    options.  I strive to achieve two goals for each client:
    first, to relieve their pain and current sufferings; and,
    second, to empower them by helping them to develop
    the skills that they will need to resolve future crises on
    their own.
550 Camino El Estero, Suite 203, Monterey, CA  (831) 646-5233